Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I love, love, love my family

Original message forwarded by my dad (Lee):


You just spent $20,000,000 to move members/supporters of Hamas, a terrorist organization, to the United States ; housing, food, the whole enchilada.


Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U. S. needs to know....

Something happened.... H.R. 1388 was passed, behind our backs. You may want to read about it.. It wasn ' t mentioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN

Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA . This is the news that didn ' t make the headlines...

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza .

The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States , was signed and appears in the Federal Register.

Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

Let's review....itemized list of some of Barack Obama ' s most recent actions since his inauguration:

His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.

His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S. , but within the world, using U. S. tax payer funds.

He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11.

Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.

These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages.

Doubtful? To verify this for yourself:


WE are losing this country at a rapid pace.

Reply by my Uncle (Jay):

Looks like these are refugees FROM Hamas, whose only "ties to Hamas" are that they were victims of the organization and are likely to be again. The money is in an existing fund.

I wonder who this "we" is that is losing this country?

Reply by my Uncle (John):

The WE is everyone who values freedom over social engineering; who wants government out of the way, not blocking the road so everone goes equally slowly. It is those of us who want to earn our own money, and keep it. The next guy can earn his and keep it too. He's not entitled to mine, and I'm not entitled to his. It is the people who think that maybe, just maybe, the founders of this country had some pretty good ideas, and Karl Marx did not. Granted, we seem to be a minority any more.

Reply from my Uncle (Jay):

John, thanks for your prompt and frank reply. I learned when I was in the NRA and the GPAA that people speak differently when they think there are no strangers present.

You can rest easy, because you aren't losing America. You never owned it, any more than anyone else. Your opinions were even in the minority among the founders - Jefferson and Adams wrote prominently as you do, the others disagreed to greater or lesser extent. Jefferson did not even believe in a standing army.

Your viewpoints are important and need to be a part of the political scene. Getting upset over anti-Hamas immigrants or accusing those with contrary opinions of being Marxist doesn't add anything constructive.

Small problems left untreated become big problems. When any substantial part of society has big problems, they become your problems too. This has happened many times in history; Jack London traveled with a "hobo army" that basically stripped every town they went through, on their way to Washington. For famine and government abuse, read about the Irish potato famine. Whole families starved to death on the roadside - who buried them? What about disease?

What if something happened in your area? Do you think anyone would respect your rights if it meant watching their families suffer? You can't just shoot everyone; someone has to clean up the mess.

You might think of government programs as protection money or extortion. I think of them as preventive maintenance or a vaccination. Some like to imagine that the poor are lazy and don't want to work. There is no truth to that. If it were so, I'd vote with you.


Reply from my dad (Lee):

Just a couple of points, Jay…the founders made an agreement even though they disagreed. That is the America we are losing now. What was seen as the proper role of good government has been changing since the early 20th century. The role these people want to force down our throats would push governmental power past the tipping point where tyranny is probable and means of the people to resist problematical.

The “poor” aren’t really a homogenous group. There are as many reasons for being poor as there are people. The only thing stopping some people from a good life is to look facts in the face and take those actions needed to prosper. Some people drink, others refuse to relocate to where the jobs are, others laugh their way through school and are as ignorant coming out as they were going in. These aren’t random happenstance, and I don’t owe these people a dime.

It would be like me buying land in the middle of the Salt Desert and demanding Washington do something about the bad soil and lack of water.

Another point: This government hasn’t ever been able to do that preventive maintenance or vaccination without creating more problems than it solves. I seriously doubt the solutions this government (as opposed to any particular administration)comes up with that offsets the almost certain disaster that giving that power to the feds would mean.

Another point: Helping your needy neighbors doesn’t require government. It’s not an either/or solution. People have been helping each other over the rough spots a long time before our government existed. I promise you that if someone hungry went to your brother John’s door and asked for food, he’d feed them, if he didn’t need it to feed his own. I won’t describe my Church’s program as I’m sure you’re familiar with it. The common factor here is that such giving is voluntary. What the current administration wants is the power to take what it wants for it thinks it needs, whether or not mine miss a meal or not.

Last point: If that hungry person comes to the back door and starts picking and choosing what he will and will not take, he’s dog food, and we’ll clean up later. I ask that you remember the record number of guns and ammo sold recently. For a good portion of society we are reaching the “deal-breaker” point where this government is intolerable, which, as you pointed out, becomes other people’s problems too.

All that aside, I’m glad you have some land you and Jing will be moving to. What can you grow there?


Reply from my Uncle (John):

I work with some of those poor. They are in a government program to put them with productive employees to show them good work habits, such as showing up on time and actually doing something. Most of them are poor not because of divine providence or bad luck. They are poor because of the choices they have made in life. They are primarily alcoholics or drug addicts who are going (or have gone) through recovery programs. I must disagree with your belief that they are not lazy. Most of the ones I have worked with are. They are there for the tax free paycheck. Nothing more. Even among those who are not, they do not want to stop the drugs or drinking and often get thrown out of the program. Some are actually getting paid for fake disabilities, which seems to be a badge of honor among them.

As someone once said, if you want someone to repeat a certain behavior, reward it. Thats why we have multi-generational welfare types who produce nothing but children, but oh yeah, a community activist can get them out to vote. That way they can vote themselves more of my money. Between state, federal, local, and all the add on taxes, I am over 50% taxed. For every dollar I earn, 50 cents is taken from me by force and given to someone who did not earn it, or at the very least did not have my permission to use my money. When is it too much?

As to my use of Karl Marx, like Dad used to say, "If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has feathers and a bill like a duck, chances are what you're dealing with is a damned duck." Good old Dad.

Ok, I'm done. I have to get some sleep so I can put in my 4 hours for me and four hours for someone who doesn't feel like it.

Reply by my brother (Leland)

It's very interesting to hear some of the reasons you think the poor are poor, bad work habits, drugs, poor choices. Its all just a function of social Darwinism to you isn't it? The Fact is 60% of the people who go Bankrupt in this country, do so because they can not afford their health care costs. That can happen to any one of us. No one gets to decide the genes they are born with. I could get sick tomorrow and have my insurance denied, because I failed to mention that my father has a history of heart problems. It doesn't matter that he did not exercise regularly, and his life choices did not reflect mine. The amount of money flowing from our Corporations to the law makers is atrocious. The entire system is set up to redistribute wealth to the already rich(Yes, right wingers, we already have a system in place for the redistribution of wealth).

You are misdirecting your anger at the wrong class. Take a look at the median incomes for Americans since the Reagan administration. Your money is not going to the poor. It is going to the rich. They cut income taxes from 70% (admittedly high) to 35%!! Telling us all the while that the benefits would trickle down. Well its been nearly 30 years, what do those median incomes tell us about their economic theory? Complete bull shit. There is class warfare going on, and the rich have convinced you that they are on your side. The top 10% in this country receive 42% of the income according to the Library of Economics and Liberty. We are nearly back to the decadent levels of the 20s. The top 5% own 57%!! of all available wealth. They fought tooth and nail to deregulate our financial system, and when they manage to fuck it up again, seeking what to normal citizens are high risk investments. The corporations are found to be to big to fail and its the Poor and Middle Class who have to foot the bill so the entire world economy doesn't melt down, and then they still fight for more deregulation!! We had strong regulation from the 30s until the 80s and how many financial crisises did we have? NONE. But since the 80s we have been jumping from one to the other. Bust, then bail out, bust then bail out, bust then bail out. If you think it won't happen again without serious regulatory changes, you are fooling yourself. The rich are not better workers, and they certainly don't make better choices. They are not the cream of the social crop. They just happen to be who the system is set up to reward. I work with many poor people too, and not one of them is addicted to drugs or alcohol, commit fraud or fake disabilities. They are people who raise kids with autism and work 2 full time jobs while raising a family and they wear that as a badge of courage. But our system is set up to kick them in the teeth for the rest of their lives. The sad part is few of them know it, if the poor had any inkling of how good the rich have it. They would all register to vote.

And please spare me the Marxist rhetoric, there is not one truly capitalistic society on this planet (or even close to one), if your calling us "ducks" you're calling the whole world "damned ducks". Christ, are we living in the 50s? "Sir, are you a member of the Communist Party?" Give me a break.

Reply by my Uncle (John):

Not calling you a duck. I am calling people who think I owe them a living ducks. I am calling the people who think they have a right to the fruits of my labors ducks. I am calling people who think it is my job to pay for their damned kids ducks, when I didnt even get the piece of ass. I'm calling people who dont hold my private propery sacred and think they can use the government to take it any time they want ducks. I'm calling the people who tell private businesses they cannot allow smoking or have to put wheelchair ramps in strip clubs ducks. I am calling the people who vote to raise taxes on other people ducks. Im calling people who think hard work and good choices are passe, and the government is the source of prosperity ducks. I am calling the guys who think the wino passed out in his own puke has equal value to someone who pays his bills and takes care of his family a duck.
Mostly I am calling the people ducks who think whats mine is rightfully theirs, and the Constitution is a living document, subject to the interpretation de jour.
My money is only going to the rich if I buy something from them. The poor are taking my money and giving me nothing, the government is giving me damned little. You see the waste all the time, as I do now and did in the military.
It doesnt matter how much the rich earn. Their money is theirs. As long as there is fair competition (granted, there isn't), they can earn whatever they want. Good for them. This is America.
Social Darwinism? I like it!
I agree the government is corrupt, but the answer is not to make it bigger or richer, or to allow it even more power.
But whatever. I'm done with this.

Reply by my dad (Lee):

Just curious, Oh eldest son…where do I find your stats?

Oh eldest dad

Then he Dad/Lee added:

Y’know, It doesn’t seem as if Leland and Johnny are all that far apart on what the problem is…just the solutions…


  1. You know, I've read the Constitution a couple times lately, heck even went through it in US history last summer. I don't recall the Article nor the Section where the US Constitution says we need a pure capitalistic system, or a capital system at all.

    Now, I'm not saying I want a communist system, but something people get all wound up about is a false dilemma fallacy thinking that it must either be capitalism or socialism, never both.

    Of course that is ridiculous, even this great country where people assume that capitalism reigns supreme, you have multitudes of socialist programs, some of them from the very start of this republic. Post offices, the Military, public schools, roads, fire fighters, and police are all socialistic ideas that seem to have worked fairly well in the last two hundred some odd years.

    This is a nation of people, and not a bunch of little fiefdoms of feudal Lords. We are born into this society, owe this society a little something for all the great things we get from it, and need to repay it by paying it forward into the next generation. Not primagentry (reward your first born son) but the society as a whole.

    If for no other reason, it'll make your life nicer, healthier, and better if the society around you is vibrant and healthy.

  2. Bless you daughter! I have always been proud to be a member of this family albeit the lowest functioning member. Those of us most active in this exchange are evenly split between white and blue collar, but all of us...every one...have been active duty members of the US Military. I suspect we're fairly representative of the fears and hopes of Americans in general.

    Lee/Dad/Grey Lensman

  3. On topic, I think you would have a hard time finding people from the middle east all the way to the asian steepes that did not have some vague tie to a 'terrorist' group. We've stomped around their sandbox non stop for eight years, plus plenty of times in the past.

    Of course major political and social movements will have anti American bents and of course anyone who is anyone who wanted to be anything in that part of the world probably had to pay lip service to such things.

    Now if they ran money or guns for Hammas, of course I don't want them here; but on the other hand, if they have 'ties' to terror groups because the fathers, uncles, former roommate did it, I don't care. Let the refugee's come and see if they can make a better world for themselves and us too.

    We should not judge these people by the sins of their father nor the sins of their neighbors.

  4. From my brother (Leland):

    You can see this CNN article http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/06/05/bankruptcy.medical.bills/ for the bankruptcy info. I went to www.econlib.org for the income and wealth distribution info. I got the info on the marginal income tax as a function of time from www.taxfoundation.org/publications/show/151.html


  5. http://www.healthreform.gov/ has an interactive map off all the states you can get healthcare statistics on per that state.

    Also, Department of health and human services has a lot of info and statistics as well.

    For example, a report on uninsured and the ER. One fifth of ER visits are by uninsured, passing the cost on to you in premiums. According to Utah statistics from the healthreform, that equates to an extra $900 added to the insured premiums per year.

    American Journal of Medicine has the stats for medical bankruptcy as well. Over 62%


  6. Not thrilled with the CNN article, but I've already added econolib to my favorites...

    In all fairness to my admittedly brilliant son, healthcare is why my ex and I took out bankruptcy in 85 just after Allen was born. allen was born pre-maturely and spent his first six weeks in infant ICU. Our insurance provider, mailhandler's stopped paying the bills and claimed to know nothing about us while still taking premiums from my check each payperiod. May went to the state and everyone she could think of to get these people to get the wolves away from our door, but we ended up doing the financial suicide. Allen's bills came to over 50K...McKay Dee wrote most of that off. Found out in later years that when Mailhandlers moved their offices, they found our file under a cabinet. Too late to do anything. Maybe we should have sued.

    Cody, send me your email and I'll add you to the family bitch board so we keep my co-workers and service buddies out of it...

    Dad/Lee/Grey Lensman

  7. This one was on my email this morning. I think she sent it only to me so I figured I better post it so it didn't get missed.

    Like your daughter, I am enjoying this as well, even if I'm not articulate enough to join in the discussion. I never really thought I was a republican, but I seem to find myself agreeing with the opinions about social darwinism. Huh, I never thought of myself as a screaming leftist democrat, but I'm surprised I'm in agreemwnt with so much of this discussion.

    Carry on! And please include me on the forward list.

