Sunday, July 27, 2008

Move to the right if you want to go slow II

At the risk of starting a fire all over again, I just had to follow up on the previously deleted post. I was rushing home from work in the middle of the day because my kids called me telling me that my oldest son had cut his finger and it was 'gushing blood all over the place'. After establishing that it wasn't spurting, I instructed them in some basic first aid and was on my way home. On the freeway I ran into the familiar issue with people in the fast or passing lane, who refused to go over 65mph. I will admit, I was speeding at about 80mph, not my regular behavior, but I was trying to get home to see exactly how many stitches my son needed, I consider that emergency enough to warrant the speed I was trying to travel. Well unfortunately these self appointed patrol men had the freeway bogged down as if it were rush hour. I finally was able to weave my way to the source and tried to politely signal my request, by flashing my brites, not by tailgating, and was totally ignored.
My son ended up fine, the cut was not very bad, it just bled a lot, but to make what I think is a very good point, you never know why the person trying to get past you is so determined.

1 comment:

  1. You see this kind of behavior when too many mice are crowded into a small cage. They turn mean to each other.

    Welcome to I-15 rush hour. Seems to me that too many of us are crowded onto a road built for twenty years ago. I thank the so-called environmentalists that blocked the Legacy Highway.

    the Grey Lensman
